Singing Guide: Michael Cahill

Singing Guide: Michael Cahill

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing Like Michael Cahill

Michael Cahill is an American singer and songwriter based in Nashville, TN. Known for his smooth voice and catchy hooks, Cahill has worked with several big names in the music industry, including Dan + Shay, who co-wrote his debut single "Too Good For Me." In this article, we'll discuss his unique vocal technique, some of his best songs, and practical tips for learning to sing like him.

Michael Cahill's Unique Vocal Technique

Cahill has a smooth, soulful voice that emphasizes his natural talent for melody and storytelling. When listening to his songs, you'll notice his use of dynamics: he'll often start a phrase softly and gradually build it up to a powerful, emotional peak. To sing like Cahill, focus on your dynamics and inflection. Emphasize the most important words and phrases, and experiment with different levels of vocal intensity to bring emotion and depth to your performance.

Another key aspect of Cahill's singing style is his use of runs and melisma. These fancy vocal embellishments add flair and personality to his performances. While it's easy to overdo them, a well-placed run or melisma can take your singing to the next level. To learn how to use runs and melisma effectively, check out Singing Carrots' Pitch Training.

Michael Cahill's Best Songs

To truly understand Cahill's vocal style, you need to listen to his music. Some of his best songs include:

  • "Too Good For Me" - Cahill's debut single, "Too Good For Me," is a catchy, upbeat track that showcases his vocal range and dynamic abilities.
  • "Fool for You" - This soulful ballad is an emotional showcase of Cahill's ability to connect with his audience.
  • "Lie to Me" - This song features a catchy melody and a chorus that demands to be sung along with.
  • "Don't Go" - With its signature guitar riff and driving chorus, "Don't Go" is one of Cahill's most popular songs.
  • "Sleep When I'm Dead" - A standout from his debut EP, "Sleep When I'm Dead" demonstrates Cahill's talent for crafting memorable melodies and evocative lyrics.

Practical Tips for Learning to Sing Like Michael Cahill

  • Practice dynamics: One of Cahill's signature moves is his use of dynamics. Take any song you're working on and experiment with singing the verses quietly and building up to the chorus.
  • Use runs and melisma sparingly: While it's tempting to add runs and melisma to every phrase, use them sparingly. Listen to Cahill as an example of when to use them effectively.
  • Listen to Cahill's music: To truly understand his style, listen to his music as much as possible. Pay attention to the way he phrases his lyrics and the emotions he conveys in his performances.
  • Practice with Singing Carrots' resources: Singing Carrots' Pitch Training is an excellent tool for developing your own vocal style. The exercises will help you develop your own unique sound while improving your vocal range and control.
  • Record and listen to yourself: Recording yourself is one of the best ways to get feedback on your singing. Listen back to your own performances and compare them to Cahill's to see where you need to improve.

With these tips and Singing Carrots' resources, you'll be well on your way to mastering Michael Cahill's unique vocal style. Start practicing today and don't forget to have fun!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.